Retail Storage Solutions
A budding Industry in Canada & the US – we have worked with some of the largest cannabis producers in the country and increased their dry storage capacities 10 fold. We continue to be excited about this market and are currently evolving our Horticultural prototypes. If you have an idea or a custom request, we want to work with you to come up with the best solutions for your unique needs!

- Easily integrated with irrigation & drainage systems, lighting, airflow, and other elements necessary for operations.
- Vertical Grow designs and innovations.
- Custom Designed for each client’s needs and specifications.
- Installation fully included with purchase and performed by CSS certified, union and licensed team of installers.
- CSS structural engineering department provides safety and seismic zone compliance reviews on every project.
- No facility is too large or too small.
Contact Us Today
45 Mural Street, Unit 3
Richmond Hill, ON
L4B 1J4
1-833-304-TRAC (8722)
1-519-304-TRAC (8722)